Next Webinar – 18th May 2021 


Welcome to The Data Protection Company’s Webinars. Each month, we pick a new topic where we discuss the practicalities of implementing the various aspects that come with the GDPR/Data Protection Act. There is a lot to discuss and with businesses having different models and different systems it can be challenging. These 30 minute seminars are designed to be quick, easy to understand and most importantly – practical!

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Each month we focus on one specific element of data protection legislation and how businesses can take simple steps to maintain their compliance in these areas.

The first principle is relatively self-evident: organisations need to make sure their data collection practices don’t break the law and that they aren’t hiding anything from data subjects.

To remain lawful, you need to have a thorough understanding of the GDPR and its rules for data collection. To remain transparent with data subjects, you should state in your privacy policy the type of data you collect and the reason you’re collecting it.

Organisations should only collect personal data for a specific purpose, clearly state what that purpose is, and only collect data for as long as necessary to complete that purpose.

Processing that’s done for archiving purposes in the public interest or for scientific, historical or statistical purposes is given more freedom.

Organisations must only process the personal data that they need to achieve its processing purposes. Doing so has two major benefits.

First, in the event of a data breach, the unauthorised individual will only have access to a limited amount of data. Second, data minimisation makes it easier to keep data accurate and up to date.

The accuracy of personal data is integral to data protection. The GDPR states that “every reasonable step must be taken” to erase or rectify data that is inaccurate or incomplete.

Individuals have the right to request that inaccurate or incomplete data be erased or rectified within 30 days.

Similarly, organisations need to delete personal data when it’s no longer necessary.

How do you know when information is no longer necessary?

This is the only principle that deals explicitly with security. The GDPR states that personal data must be

processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures”.

Once Monthly Webinar

Free Webinar Once Per Month

Our free webinar runs once per month and is available to anybody who wants to know more about getting started on the road to data protection compliance.

Free Q&A Sessions

Ask Your Questions

At the end of each Free Webinar each month we run a live Question & Answer session, which gives you chance to get the advice you want.

Register For The Free Webinar

Our Next Webinar will be held on 18th May, 2021 @ 12:30 and will focus on the principle of ‘Data Minimisation’, and what this really means for small businesses.

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